A cabin of Castles That Move in the Wind, Golan. Photo by and © Vision Studio
Hatirot Hana’ot BaRuach, or Castles That Move in the Wind is a small inn perched three thousand feet above sea level, beyond the stately ruin of Nimrod’s Castle. Its three charming guesthouses are so far from the rest of humanity that they seem to place you in a custom-made fairy tale.
“Three charming guesthouses, so far from the rest of humanity that they seem to place you in a custom-made fairy tale.”
The owners, Gilad Golan and his wife, Yael, have appointed each cabin differently—one with swooping, jewel-colored curtains and eccentrically upholstered chairs; one a homey explosion of gingham and checks, with a rough wooden table and a kitchen with bright cups and saucers; the third a duplex with a tiny spiral stairway heading up to the bedroom, and walls the color of grass, waves of silky cloth, and fixtures in gold and silver—a place (though tiny) sumptuous enough for Marie Antoinette. All cabins have wood-burning stoves and massive, sunken beds, and are welcomingly set out for arriving guests with platters of homemade breads, cheeses, fruits, and cookies, as well as bottles of Golan Heights wine.
Before going to bed, you’ll want to soak in your cabin’s outdoor hot tub, looking up into the bright, starry sky—and then bundle up in your blanket of a robe and take in a moment to appreciate, yet again, the beauty of this land in all its complexities and variety.